Christmas event, new homepage and many other things!
2014 has started with interesting and useful activities, thanks to the performance of Union „For Latvian Children with Disabilities”, a financial support has been received from European Economical Area.
Christmas event at the Puppet theater. In January 4, 2014 union brought together little and large union members, supporters and volunteers in the Latvian Puppet Theater to watch a show „Musicians of Bremen”, take part in amusing activities accompanied by clowns, participate in conversations and friendly being together. 134 children and young people visited the event, as well as their 178 companions/ parents who could share stories about experience, achievements and hopes. That day brought various wonderful emotions for the participants – the joy of friend reunion, evaluation and discussions about the show, interesting activities during intermissions and tasting of sweets of the festive table. Thanks to all visitiors, organizers, sponsors!
A new, beautiful and functional homepage has been created! 2014 has brought good changes – in collaboration with the union’s management, union’s children parents and development specialists (designer, IT specialists), as well as by attracting the funding of European Economical Area, a new union’s „ For Latvian Children with Disabilities” homepage was created www.kustibutraucejumi.lv. The main advantages of the new homepage- it is comfortable for the users, easily understandable, colourful, with various functions, available in more languages. The new homepage is created to ensure society’s comprehension about children and young people with disabilities. The old homepage was created in 2005 by students of Riga Technical Univesity, though after almost ten years of working- it was not able to perform its functions anymore. There are new sections in the new homepage, for example, people have a chance to donate funds for the union’s activities, as well as there are links to social networks. The homepage will be regulary replenished with different news, latest photo reports and other useful materials.
We are preparing for the annual Mother’s Day event and an educational excursion to Estonia. The union has began an organisational work for the upcoming Mother’s day event in the Latvian Puppet Theater in May. The active work involves creating the invitations, planning activities for intermissions, festive table etc. This year visitors will have an opportunity to watch the popular show „The Famous Duckling Tim”.
Also conversations with a touristical enterprise have started about the process of an educational excursion to Estonia in summer months. At least 45 union members will have a chance to spend 2 interesting and thrilling days in Tartu- in the second largest city of our northern neighbors. The main objects have been chosen- ice age centre in the village Aksi, water amusement park „Aura” , as well as the science centre „AHHAA” which is situated in 3000m2 three halls which allows to aquire new skills and knowledge, also to examine, feel and try already what has long been known.
The work for the target group’s interest defence and collaboration development is continuing.
In the beginning of 2014 a communication with the representatives of the Ministry of Education and participants of Parent forum was established , with a purpose to ensure children and young people with the best possible opportunity to get education, taking into account their interests and needs.
In 2014 the union has also started to talk about more qualitative rehabilitation services for children and young people with disabilities- the communication and current experiece has been handed over to the representatives of the Welfare Department of the Riga City Council.
The estimated costs for 2014 implementation of work plan consist of 25737,99 EUR, where 95 % from the co-funding comes from the European Economical Area Financial Instrument and 5 % from the Latvian State budget, 10% are financed by the union „For Latvian Children with Disabilities”.
Additional information about the project: Ilze Kenne, phone no. 29460606, e-mail: ilzekenne@e-apollo.lv .
Project „Soli pa solim uz priekšu!” („Step by Step Forward!”) , No. 2012.EEZ/DAP/MAC/110/R/036/2014.
Project is financially supported by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.
Program is financed by EEA and Latvian State.
Additional information can be received :
www.eeagrants.org www.eeagrants.lv